Much more than money, God desires your life
to be surrendered to his leadership and Salvation.
A life that is fully-surrendered to God will also want to direct their resources–such as career, health, family, time, knowledge, and money–to making an eternal difference for God’s eternal glory. Much of the effort of these mature believers is aimed at producing a harvest of righteousness in their own life, and the lives of those closest to them. After this brief life of 70-80 years, an eternity waits on the other side. Let’s be found faithful with all the resources God has put at our discretion.
As God directs his people, He also desires them to give to his Kingdom. Riverdeep Church is advancing the Kingdom in the lives and neighborhoods of its people. If you would like to partner with Riverdeep through your regular tithe or a one-time donation, we would love for you to be a part of that work of restoration. God is already working throughout the MidSouth region, and we are excited to see greater fruitfulness that will make an eternal difference.
Please make all donations, tithe checks,
or gifts out to Riverdeep Church.
You can send all tax-deductible gifts to:
P.O. BOX 11
Riverdeep Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Therefore, any donation or tithe given to the organization is deductible as outlined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Furthermore, any monetary gift given to Riverdeep Church will be recorded in the event that said donor requires additional documentation for their individual tax return.